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HivelyTracker Downloads

HivelyTracker 1.8 for AmigaOS 4 - Change Log
HivelyTracker 1.8 for Win32
HivelyTracker 1.8 for Haiku
HivelyTracker 1.8 for MacOS X (10.6+) (Port by SamuraiCrow)
HivelyTracker 1.8 for MacOS X (10.9+) (Port by Deltafire)

Related Downloads

XMPlay plugin (by Pieknyman, who helped a lot with 1.3)
HVL2WAV 1.2 for Win32 and AmigaOS4 Commandline AHX/HVL to WAV converter
Command line replayer for OS4, version 1.8 (includes source)
Command line replayer for Windows, version 1.8 (includes source)
Command line replayer for OSX, version 1.8 (port by Alexander Coers)
Applescript Droplet for the OSX replayer (by Alexander Coers)
AAHR for Win32 Commandline AHX/HVL tune ripper
AAHR for AmigaOS 4 (port by Spot/Up Rough)
AAHR for AmigaOS 3.x (port by Lorence Lombardo)
AAHR for MorphOS (port by Fabrizio "Lanch" Bartoloni)

Old versions

The following files have out of date replay code which may not play all AHX and HVL tunes correctly. Use at your own risk!
HivelyTracker 1.7 for AmigaOS 4 - Change Log
HivelyTracker 1.7 for Win32
HivelyTracker 1.7 for MacOS X (10.6+, 64bit) (Port by Deltafire)
HivelyTracker 1.6 for AmigaOS 4 - Change Log
HivelyTracker 1.6 for AmigaOS 3.x (Port by BuZz)
HivelyTracker 1.6 for AROS (Port by BuZz)
HivelyTracker 1.6 for MorphOS (Port by BuZz)
HivelyTracker 1.5 for AmigaOS 4 - Change Log
HivelyTracker 1.5 for AmigaOS 3.x (Port by BuZz)
HivelyTracker 1.4 for AmigaOS 4 - Change Log
HivelyTracker 1.4 for AmigaOS 3.x (Port by BuZz)
HivelyTracker 1.4 for AROS (Port by BuZz)
HivelyTracker 1.3 for AmigaOS 4 - Change Log
HivelyTracker 1.3 for AmigaOS 3.x (Port by BuZz)
HivelyTracker 1.2 for AmigaOS 4 - Change Log
HivelyTracker 1.2 for AmigaOS 3.x
HivelyTracker 1.1 for AmigaOS 4 - Change Log
HivelyTracker 1.0 for AmigaOS 4
Simple player for MacOS X (port by Alexander Coers. includes source)
WinAmp plugin version 1.6 (port by Peter Mulholland). Copy "in_hively.dll" to the WinAmp plugin dir
HiivelyPlay 2.0 for Wii (source is here)
HVL2WAV 1.1 for 68k AmigaOS (port by Lorence Lombardo)
HVL2WAV 1.1 for i386 AROS (port by Jost Menke)
TuneNet plugin for AmigaOS4 (port by Curtis Holborn)
HVL2WAV for AmigaOS 3.x (port by Lorence Lombardo)
HVL2WAV for MorphOS (port by Fabrizio "Lanch" Bartoloni)
Command line replayer for Linux/SDL (1.4) (port by Christopher O'Neill)
Fox Audio Player (Windows/Linux player that includes Hively support)
HivelyPlay library for OS3.x and MorphOS (by Ilkka Lehtoranta)
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