Space journeys

Are you ready for some Space journeys?

Then all you have to do is to install Java3d.

Above: screen shots from "Spiral galaxies"

"Exploration of space" is the biggest of the space-worlds and it contains 64 galaxies. First take the ride through space:

Exploration of space (ride-version)

Then explore the galaxies by flying around and navigating.First click on the world with your mouse, then move around with the arrow-keys and the Page Up and Page Down-keys. You will see your position in space in X, Y and Z- coordinates.

Exploration of space (explore-version) Get a license to use any of these animations.

Spiral galaxies (spinning version with extra 3D-effect)

Spiral galaxies (non-spinning version optimized for navigation and space-travel)

How to journey into space

First click on the 3D-world to give it focus so you can navigate!


Key to press on the keyboard

Move forwards or backwards Up arrow, Down arrow
Spin sideways Left arrow, Right arrow
Spin vertically Page up, Page down
Increase focus +
Decrease focus -
Full-screen (on Internet Explorer) Click on the browser to give it focus, then press F11.

You can use any of these applets for your web-site if you contact me. They can be customized with different colors or textures.

Do you want to know when new stuff are added to this site? If so, just write your e-mail address below and press the button. Then you will get the Psy Animations news-letter!


I am looking for people who can promote this site. Mail me if you want to cooperate with me on this.

Lost in space

Sponsors wanted for this site. Your commercials could be displayed above each one of the 3D-graphics!

Lost in space 2

Send feedback

If it is about problems with these programs, check the Java3D-guide before you mail me!


Or mail to me on if you don't want to use the form.

Go back to Psy animations for more virtual reality

Visit VirtualExp for more visual experiences.

Programming and Copyright to everything on this site by Psy Animations