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A ray-casting game in 512 bytes of x86 machine code
Assembly C Other
Branch: master
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Latest commit 719cd99 Nov 26, 2019


 _____       _     _     ______ _____  ________  ___
/  __ \     | |   (_)    |  _  \  _  ||  _  |  \/  |
| /  \/_   _| |__  _  ___| | | | | | || | | | .  . |
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 \____/\__,_|_.__/|_|\___|___/  \___/  \___/\_|  |_/

CubicDoom, a ray-casting game that fits in a boot sector (510 bytes)
by Oscar Toledo G. Nov/25/2019

It's compatible with 8088 (the original IBM PC)

If you want to assemble it, you must download the Netwide Assembler
(nasm) from

Use this command line:

  nasm -f bin doom.asm -l doom.lst -o doom.img
  nasm -f bin doom.asm -Dcom_file=1 -o

Youtube video:

Play it on your browser: (v86 at


This is the CubicDoom, all the cubes have rebelled against
humankind! You need to stop the invasion!

Use Left Ctrl to turn to left, use Left Alt to turn to right.
Press Left Shift to advance, and Right Shift to shoot.

Destroy all cubes on the current maze to advance to the
next one. Careful! The cubes will advance towards you.

Enjoy it!


I've coded CubicDoom along five days. It's a ray-casting
engine over a 16x16 maze.

I always liked ray-casting engines, it was a way to get a
fast 3D-world on old machines.

I had to simplify this one greatly, for example, at least
two rays have to be calculated in order to see if a
horizontal or vertical wall has been hit, but I solved it
walking the ray very slowly.

Also a tan function would have calculated better the
distance for the wall height, but I had to go without it.

Finally, sprites for ray-casting games are handled in a
list, sorted, and projected onto screen, but there wasn't
the space. So the enemies are also walls, but moving walls
of different color.

Mature people will recognize the moving walls pattern as
the old robots game from the 80s, where the robots move
blindly towards the player. Although in the original robots
game the things on the gameplay are mines.

I've enjoyed greatly programming this game. I'm pretty
curious about how so fast would go on an old PC, but I
don't have none at the moment.

>> ATTENTION <<        

Would you like to learn 8086/8088 programming? Then you
must get my new book Programming Boot Sector Games including
a 8086/8088/V20 crash course!

Now available from Lulu:




These are some of the example programs documented profusely
in the book:

  * Guess the number.
  * Tic-Tac-Toe game.
  * Text graphics.
  * Mandelbrot set.
  * F-Bird game.
  * Invaders game.
  * Pillman game.
  * Toledo Atomchess.
  * bootBASIC language.

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